Tuesday, April 15, 2014

4/15 Tuesday - 4/23 Wednesday

Streets DUE at the end of class Friday for A days and Monday for B days!
*Don't forget your 5 extra details! (benches, trash cans, street lights, etc)*

How to add your car to your Streets!

1.       Copy your car from your original scene and paste it into your Streets scene.

2.       Group your Car together.

a.       Edit --> Group --> Option Box

b.      Group from the CENTER!

3.       Create a path down your street (using a curve tool).

4.       Using your HYPERGRAPH select your car group and the path.

a.       Forget how to get to your hypergraph? 

                                                              i.      Panels (in your view menu) a Layouts a two panes stacked

                                                             ii.      In the lower window select panel again a Hypergraph panel a Hypergraphy Hierarchy.

5.       From main menu select Animate a Motion Paths a Attach to Motion Path --> Option box.

a.       Use the options in your Option box to change the settings that work for YOUR scene.  These are not universal, so you will have to figure the correct settings on your own.  Trial and Error!

6.       Slow your car down to “real time” or a custom “fps” that works for your scene.

Car not attaching????---If you need to re-attach your car to your path and cannot “z” undo any more,  go into you hypergraph select your Car Group and then Edit a Ungroup.  Once the car is ungrouped it will lose its attached animation.  Then re-group your car, select your path and re-attach it to the motion path.   

Streets DUE at the end of class Friday for A days and Monday for B days!

Monday, April 14, 2014


Create a street (as realistic as you can make it). Add windows, doors, details, colors, etc.  Basic requirements are listed below- more requirements to come!

4/8 & 4/9

Finish Lesson 2: Mini Lesson (Driver/Driven) if you haven't already done so.  Drop into Dropbox and move on to Animation 3: Path Animation.  Load "Path Animation" from your lesson files!  Drop into Dropbox when complete!